Feb. 6, 2018

Habit Hackers Rebel Radio


Welcome to Habit Hackers Rebel Radio! We are here to add real practically to entrepreneurship. We want the actions we can take NOW to affect our future. We interview people on their path to success and learn what habits they make a ritual shortcutting our own success. Lets begin...




I like the introduction. It had some good production. It needs to explain that the show is about (not just who the guest is). You did a good job of introducing your guest. I liked that you jumped right into an interesting part of his story (instead of the "tell me about yourself"). The guest then went on and on, and the original question was "tell me about failing out of college." He seems a bit all over the place and a bit of an "UM" machine. I'm not an UM nazi, but these were UMs that were super easy to cut out. He explains how he went to food, to movies, etc and seems to go all over the place.  I would definitely edit your interviews in the future. You will hear how I took his answer and took the best parts of his answer that applied to the question. I also took out some ums, a lip smack, and a "Ya know." I only took out the easy ones. You want your guest to sound smart, good, etc and this might mean some editing is needed.

You mentioned you would put links to the book, but then didn't mention where (probably because you don't have a website). A Facebook page is not a great home for a podcast. You want someplace where people can (at a minimum) subscribe and listen to your show. You REALLY want them to subscribe.

For only episode seven, I've heard worse, but edit the show, update your website, and let people know what your show is about when they tune in and you'll make a better first impression.

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