Oct. 25, 2018

Podcasting on a Plane

Comments on Aviation Podcast?



The podcasting on a plane podcast is presented for entertainment purposes only. My comments, and those of my guests, the website’s content, and any of the social media, etc. are not part of my official responsibility as a controller or as an FAA employee. The views and opinions you hear on the podcast are mine, and those of my guests, etc. and not necessarily that of the FAA. There is no nexus between podcasting on a plane and the FAA. Also, While I’m a CFI, I’m not your CFI, nor am I your mechanic, your doctor, your shrink, or your spouse. This podcast is presented for entertainment, camaraderie, and fun, but is in no way, shape, or form, professional advice, legal council, or flight instruction. If you are in need of professional advice, get some from somewhere more appropriate than a podcast, no matter how good this one may be…Copyright 2017 Brandon Gonzales




I like the audio quality and the intro started off cool, then there was music for the sake of nothing. You assume everyone knows your guest. This can put off those that don't. Then besides that, she was a photographer, you didn't really explain why she was on the show. Build up your guest and get me excited they are on the show. Then you started thanking people who donated. I understand why you want to do this, but for new people, this is boring. We don't know these people (or care). If the thought is you want to thank them first so they hear it - these are your super fans who listen to the end. It didn't make for a great first impression.

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