Feb. 23, 2018

The Brothers Binge

Description: Two Brothers on a mission to binge all things related to Comics, TV, Movies, and More.

Website: http://soundcloud.com/thebrothersbinge

Opinion: I asked for a link to your website, or an episode, and you gave me a link to iTunes/Apple Podcasts, so I used your latest episode.

When I start a podcast, I want to hear what the show is, what I can expect to hear, and then get to the content. You and your co-host have good chemistry, but you didn't give any kind of introduction as to what the show was about, and what was coming up. I use the analogy of getting on a bus that has no destination listed in the front window. Most people won't get on that bus.

Your audio quality could use some work as it sounds like you are WAAAY off the microphone, and possibly be sharing a microphone. Hever everyone near their microphone, get a pop filter and point it at the corner of your mouth. Listening to someone drink beer wasn't very exciting, but a simple review would be fine. Here again, you could've pointed that out. On today's show we are sampling a new (beer type) we are going to talk about (topic) etc.

Soundcloud is a horrible choice for a podcast host see http://davidjackson.org/soundcloud-dead-hosting-walking-some-think-so/ if you want to move to a real host see http://davidjackson.org/how-to-move-from-soundcloud-to-another-host/

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